وَإِذَا حَكَمْتُمْ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ أَنْ تَحْكُمُوا بِالْعَدْلِ
آخر الأخبار
خلال استقباله محافظ الانبار .. وزير العدل د. خالد شواني يوجه بافتتاح ملاحظية تسجيل عقاري في قضاء الكرمة ودائرة كاتب عدل في النخيب وادراج خطة انشاء مجمع عدلي في المحافظة لعام 2025....   ><   مدير دائرة حقوق الانسان يستقبل وفداً من اللجنة الدولية للصليب الاحمر...   ><   بناءً على توجيهات وزير العدل د.خالد شواني بمتابعة سير العمل .. مدير عام دائرة الكتاب العدول يجري زيارة ميدانية الى دائرة كاتب عدل الشعلة في جانب الكرخ...   ><   لإنشاء قاعدة بيانات تعنى بإحصاء العقارات التابعة للمؤسسات الحكومية.. وزير العدل د. خالد شواني يجتمع مع اللجنة النيابية الخاصة للحفاظ على أملاك الدولة...   ><   تنفيذاً لتوجيهات معالي وزير العدل، د. خالد شواني، استقبل مدير عام دائرة الكتاب العدول، الأستاذ يوسف حويز خورشيد، المواطنين في مكتبه الرسمي...   ><   مدير عام إصلاح الأحداث يبحث آليات تحسين العمل في الأقسام الإصلاحية...   ><   قسم تأهيل الصبيان لدائرة إصلاح الأحداث يقيم حفلا بمناسبة بدء العام الدراسي...   ><   الجامعات والمؤسسات الحكومية العراقية والعتبات المقدسة ترفد مكتبات السجون بـ (١٥،٢٨٢) كتاب لتعزيز الوعي والثقافة...   ><   سجن الكرخ المركزي يفتتح العام الدراسي الجديد في المركز التعليمي الجامعي...   ><   بعد مصادقة معالي وزير العدل د.خالد شواني .. الوقائع تنشر تعليمات تحديد الرتب والازياء لمنتسبي دائرتي الإصلاح العراقية وإصلاح الاحداث...

A specialized workshop in the field of international humanitarian law was held on the training hall of the judicial planing department 


A specialized workshop in the field of international humanitarian law was hels on the training hall of the judicial planing department 

A field visit

On August 16, 2017, a human rights team visited the Iraqi Rehabilitation Department / Taji Central Prison and after reviewing the infrastructure and prison breakers and visiting the guest rooms to see their conditions without the team's following observations according to the prison law:

Workshop on

The third workshop entitled "Gender Concept and related issues" was held on the training room of the Judicial Planning Department in Karkh on Sunday, 13/8/2017, with the participation of (20) employees from various departments of the ministry. 

Workshop on

The third workshop entitled "Gender Concept and related issues" was held on the training room of the Judicial Planning Department in Karkh on Sunday, 13/8/2017, with the participation of (20) employees from various departments of the ministry

Workshop on

The third workshop entitled "Gender Concept and related issues" was held on the training room of the Judicial Planning Department in Karkh on Sunday, 13/8/2017, with the participation of (20) employees from various departments of the ministry

A field visit to the Iraqi reform office/ Ar-Risafah third prison
Workshop on

The third workshop entitled "Gender Concept and related issues" was held on the training room of the Judicial Planning Department in Karkh on Sunday, 13/8/2017, with the participation of (20) employees from various departments of the ministry. 

Workshop on

The third workshop entitled "Gender Concept and related issues" was held on the training room of the Judicial Planning Department in Karkh on Sunday, 13/8/2017, with the participation of (20) employees from various departments of the ministry

A field visit to the Iraqi reform office/comprehensive care

A team of human rights department has visited the Iraqi reform office, in particular the assistants of comprehensive care, the team met the administrators who responsible for managing the most important details in the Iraqi reform office,

A field visit to the Iraqi reform office/comprehensive care

A team of human rights department has visited the Iraqi reform office, in particular the assistants of comprehensive care, the team met the administrators who responsible for managing the most important details in the Iraqi reform office,

Holding a workshop on the training room of the Judicial Planning Department at the Judicial Complex in Karkh